Before I stopped working, I made a mental list of many things that I had wanted to do, things like golf lessons, cooking class, picking up a new language etc. Ironically, after I stopped working, it got difficult for me to find time to do them! Yes, its absurd, maybe even lame, but unfortunately its true. It's amazing how simple activities that we sometimes take for granted can really fill up your life!
Today, I received an email from a friend asking me why I have not blogged for the past few days. It kinda felt good that this friend has been following the happenings of my life, as I know some other people have. Truth is, I have been too busy the past few days to blog. Too busy to blog? How busy can a home-maker be, u may wonder?
Well, Colin had just come home on Wednesday from a business trip to China and Hong Kong. Having spent 10 days away from home, there was so much we had to catch up on to make up for lost time. The past few days have been action-packed for us, with me cooking dinner, us running errands together, daily workouts, visits to my in-laws, a day trip to malaysia, lots of conversation, and packing for our honeymoon! (we're going to Japan for 2 weeks. Yay!)
Before we leave for Japan, thought I'd share with you some photos of my lovely (at least I think so!) cooking for the past few days :

Chinese-style Deep fried chicken cutlet (Recipe from my bestie Jessie - really simple yet delicious! A must-try!) Marinate 2 boneless skinless chicken thigh in shaoxing wine and soya sauce. Coat with corn flour before deep frying for 10 minutes. Add a sauce of oyster sauce, vinegar, sugar, spring onion, water. Lovely!

Green vegetables with mushroom (Bought this vegetable coz a group of "aunties" were crowding and grabbing this uncommon vegetable, which name I had forgotten. Think i'm becoming quite ah soh! :Þ)

Tofu with minced pork, mixed vegetables in Hoisin Sauce

Xiao Bai Cai

Sliced beef with Capsicums (this one didn't look too appetising...and unfortunately, it tasted like it looked. haha!)
fried chicken looks yummy!
hope u had a good honeymoon in japan, land of my favourite rising sun!
awaiting your japan pics, and to see all the love and happy faces of colin and yourself!
Wow... very impressive!!!!
hi nanhui ;)
wow, i never knew you are such a wonderful cook (wonder if i may have the kou3fu2 other than colin?)! my friend also commented pictures of your blog on food look yummy!
enjoy your trip to japan. i might be going there in august - to climb mt fuji ;p
- meiyi
aiyoh.. time to update ur blog lah
Kat : I know u love fried chicken! Will invite you over for some when I master the dish! :)
Kev : bet you never imagined your "brother" to be such a competent cook ya? ;Þ
Meiyi : Its been such a long time! How are you? Heard from Suan that you are in Perth. Hope to catch up when you next come back to Singapore!
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