I mean, girls, whilst natural beauty is great, please put in some effort in removing your underarm hair! Yes I know, hair removal can be tedious, painful, and expensive in some cases, but, please! Spare a thought for others around you who could be scarred for life with that close encounter with your armpit hair. And if you just simply insist on keeping them, at least keep them covered up coz they simply look disgusting, even on the most beautiful celebrities!

Nowadays, even some guys (not just the metrosexuals) are shaving their armpit hair for hygiene purposes (I hear Frank Lampard had inspired his fellow Chelsea mates to sport hairless armpits). So, come on, if even men can do it. Nuff said.
Apart from this horrid encounter, my day went great. Met up with my aunty Xianling to catch up over dinner at Vivo City. Well, actually Xianling is my daddy’s cousin, which makes her my aunty, but really, she is just the same age as me and we used to be faculty mates back in uni! However, today was actually the first time we hung out together and it was nice! She’s a really sweet girl and I realised today how alike we both were in many ways (it probably runs in the family!)
Popiah pancake
Stuffed chicken wings
Prawn Toast (the most yummy of the 3 appetizers)
Olive fried rice with chicken (This one tasted better than it looked and oh, pardon my half eaten chicken wing at the left bottom corner)
Spicy basil chicken with rice (very spicy as it is fried with chilli padi, and oh, pardon Xianling's half eaten chicken wing at the top right hand corner. See what I just said? it runs in the family!:)
After a nice long dinner with Xianling, as I was driving out of Vivo City's carpark, I bumped into (not literally, of coz) my long-time-never-see, ever-elusive gal pal Shuying. I have been trying to ask Shuying out for what feels like eternity, but we have never gotten to meet up due to her extremely busy schedule (haha!) and there she was, car next to mine! We both rolled down our windows and chatted for a precious 60 seconds before the traffic light changed colours and we had to be on our ways again. Sometimes the best things just happen when you least expect it! :)
OMG homemaker at 29! Long time no see, but fancy meeting u at the carpark.. U look as pretty and happy as always, and even my fren in the car commented that you look so radiant and happy! Must be enjoying ur 1 mth so far! Hopefully we can get to meet and catch up soon... Cheers :)
Looking at the food makes me hungry again, especially the prawn toast! Yummy yummy! Let's meet up again sometime! Take care! :)
Aww..thanks Shuying, calling me pretty and radiant! haha! :) I really hope we get to meet up SOON! And Xianling, thanks for the yummy dinner and the wonderful evening! Next time it will be my treat! :)
To both girls : Don't work too hard! Take care! *hugs*
now i know why you mentioned IPL yesterday... hahaha!
hahaha! yup girl, now you know! :)
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