Sunday, March 18, 2007

Charity starts from your heart

Was channel surfing just now when I chanced upon the Ren Ci Charity Show on Channel U. I have always been a firm advocate of all charity work. I believe that giving is much more fortunate than receiving. While I was growing up, I tried to do as much volunteering as I could. I sponsored a child from Uganda through World Vision, gave free tuition to kids from a children’s home, wrote for a children’s newsletter, and helped out at the annual Camp Sunshine (a 3-day residential camp for children with cancer and other terminal illnesses). I also pledged donations through flag days as well as monthly contributions.

However, in the last 5 years, I got “too busy” with my career, with relationships, and with many other things in my own little life that I forgot about giving to others. The situation was made worse by the now-still-ongoing NKF saga, which shook my faith in “charity” organizations.

Yes ok, I was one of those who immediately ceased my monthly donations to NKF upon realizing the meager percentage of our money that actually went to the patients. It just didn't feel right that my money went to a gold tap in the CEO’s office. After that incident, I looked at charity organisations and events with skepticism. I started to think that the only way I want to help others is through my own actions, and not so much my money, which could end up being managed by dubious characters.

Well actually, simple actions that come from your heart will make a great difference to those who receive it, especially so when they are least expecting it. There is a saying that if you have a little and you give it out, it becomes a lot. If you have a lot and keep it in, it becomes a little.

We can all help others in our own little ways, for example, holding the lift door for a limping old lady on a walking stick, helping a mother lift the wheelchair of her child up the stairs, guiding a vision-impaired man across the street, giving away books, toys or clothes (not the old and tattered ones of coz!) to people who need them. These are things that might not take even 5 minutes of your time, yet it will brighten your entire day (as well as that for those who you helped)!

Think about it, start being less selfish, and start giving! :)

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