Sunday, July 8, 2007

Love our earth!

Yesterday might have been just another day for some of us, but yesterday was definitely not just another day! It was Live Earth Day! For the uninitiated, Live Earth is a 24-hour, 7-continent concert series that took place on 7/7/07 that brought together more than 100 music artists and 2 billion people to trigger a global movement to solve the climate crisis.

Live Earth is a campaign led by the Alliance for Climate Protection, The Climate Group and other international organizations to drive individuals, corporations and governments to take action to solve global warming. And by the way, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is the Chair of the Alliance and Partner of Live Earth.

Official concerts were staged around 8 major cities, New York, London, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Hamburg. Performing artistes included Madonna (goddess of pop), Black Eyed Peas (very cool!), Enrique Iglesias (sexy!), Corrine Bailey Rae (love her voice!), James Blunt (my current fav!!), Eason Chan (love the voice, hate the looks!), and Evonne Hsu (love her songs!). The concerts were broadcast live over TV, radio, Internet and wireless channels to reach a global audience! How cool is that!

Beneath the glamour of the concerts, its important to recognise and appreciate the intent of the campaign, which is basically to live green and to love our earth. There are actually countless little things we could do (which does not take up much time or effort, just a conscious change in the way we do things), which could play a part in saving our environment. With the global warming and screwed up climates everywhere, its about time we stop sitting on our asses and join in the fight against the climate crisis.

Here are some simple examples of what we could do to help.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, just as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire..

My husband Colin travels quite a bit. Well, maybe that's an understatement. In certain months, he spends 70% of his nights in unfamiliar hotel beds and only 20% of his nights in our bed next to me. The remaining 10%? Well, those are spent in uncomfortable aircraft seats miles above ground.

With so much time spent apart, how do we keep our love alive, many have asked. Well, the answer is really a no-brainer. Quality time is much more precious than quantity. We both cherish dearly whatever little time we may have together, and we always put each other in first priority when making any decisions that come our way.

We make an effort to call each other daily when we are apart, and for the rest of the day, smses will flow freely so that we can constantly be in touch. And every time Colin travels, he looks out for little gifts for me, sometimes coming home with up to 5 surprises! The gifts he brings me are nothing fancy or expensive, just little thoughtful items that he thinks will put a smile on my face.

Knowing that I am constantly on his mind makes me feel blessed and loved.

This is what Colin got me from his last trip to Paris. Freshly made chocolates from Chocolatier, Gerard Hee! I LOVE the pretty box, the yummy yummy chocolates, and mostly, the loving thought from my husband! :)