Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tis the season!

December is probably one of my favourite months of the year. This is one month when half the office would be clearing leave, and the other half of the office is perpetually on a high. Though in the insurance industry, this is the season of renewals (which equate to higher work volume), many of us are going for longer-than-usual lunches, organising drink parties after work.... Catlin had our company lunch at Senso restaurant at Club Street.

Er Jun brimming with eagerness while everyone else was either busy chatting or scrutinising the menu

The bread basket was yummy....I especially liked the scone-like bread....

My appetiser of smoked marlin carppacio with orange and fennel dressing.

My main course of Homemade turkey ravioli in foie gras and aged balsamico sauce

Dessert for me was "Vin Brule" frozen semifreddo with toffee sauce The party continued after lunch where we adjourned to the bar next to the dining area. That's Angela and I, the organisers of the lunch. All 28 of us got into a big circle with crossed arms to crack the Christmas crackers together, which was really sweet! After that was a free flow of drinks, noise, and fun!

The Zorros of our office, Er Jun & Jimmy

The babes of the office....sorry boys, no photos of you! After the gift exchange. That's me, my toilet buddy Hui Zhi, and Anna (I'm her secret santa and got her a La Source foot scrub and cream to pamper her feet as she loves wearing heels!) That's me and my secret santa, Marilyn! No prizes for guessing what Marilyn got for me. A box of yummylicious chocolates from Candy Empire.Check out Lionel's happy grin when he saw the Hooters calender which was in his Hooters gift pack! Lionel flipped through the calender at least a dozen times that afternoon! This gift was also one of the most talked about one amongst the boys of the office! Cheers to a very happy Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Merry X'mas babe! Glad you are enjoying your life. Keep in touch!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and Colin! So when is baby coming along?