Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

When I was growing up, Christmas was always my favourite holiday of the year, even more so than Chinese New Year. Though not Christians, my family had a tradition of celebrating Christmas. It was a great reason for us all to get together, decorate the Christmas tree, have a big feast of roast turkey, beef, honey baked ham, lasagne / pasta and the whole works, and my favourite part would be when my brother and I hung up Christmas Stockings next to our beds and waited for Santa to come by with our presents. Only we never managed to meet Santa, or rather, we didn't realise that our folks were our Santa Claus. till many years later.

As an adult now, I love Christmas for quite different reasons. Shopping is fantastic! Virtually every shop in town is having some form of a SALE, slashing prices, making all efforts of restrain very futile..

This year's Christmas is quite quiet and simple for us. No fancy or loud parties. Just gatherings with close friends and family. Yesterday after work (boss declared half day off, much to the excitement of us all!), I went to vist my best friend Jessie and her baby Shun. Jess is home to attend her sister's wedding and will only be here till Saturday night. Had to catch her and her baby before they returned to Japan.

Shun is extremely adorable. We had to try quite hard before he would let go of his toy and show off his handsome face to the camera. Jess had to step in when Shun started crying....haha! I probably need more practice with kids. And by the way, Happy 6 months Birthday baby Shun!

After an afternoon at Jessie's place, I met Colin for our Christmas eve dinner at Su Korean Cuisine at Far East Plaza. Had previously eaten there with Kat, and we both liked the food, hence I decided to bring Colin here. We ordered the Set Menu for 2 people, which left us really stuffed!

As with most Korean restaurants, this one served an assortment of 8 side dishes, which were all quite yummy.

There was a choice of grilling our own meats or have them grilled in the kitchen (for those who don't want to smell like BBQ after a meal). We chose to grill our own meat since it was more fun that way. The meats were quite well marinated and were tender and tasty. While Colin preferred to eat his meat with rice, I preferred to wrap them up with the lettuce leaves provided, adding a small dollop of bean sauce on the meat. Upon biting, the crisp cold lettuce leaves provided some balance to the hot juicy meats, which somehow made me feel less guilty with the indulgent dinner!
The set meal also came with a seafood beef soup, which we topped up to a Ginseng Chicken Soup. The soup had one whole chicken in it, and the chicken was stuffed with glutunous rice. I found the chicken quite tender, but Colin felt the soup a bit bland with not enough ginseng.
Orchard road was crazy crowded last night, and boy were we glad we did not have to drive through it. While Colin navigated our way through Scotts Road, I could not resist snapping a few shots of the Christmas lights!

Happy Holidays!


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