Having said that, some weeks before turning 30, I started feeling anxious and the week leading to my big 3, I even had insomnia! yes i know!! for an entire week, I slept only 2-3 hours each night, a first for a sleep addict like myself! Not wanting to attribute this to turning 30, I started wondering if there was something wrong with me, perhaps physically or psychologically. All that uncertainty was put to rest (quite literally) when on Friday, after I finally turned 30, I slept like a baby for 12 hours straight without stirring. Thank goodness the sleeping beauty is back in business!!
Some people I know think 30 is an old age for a woman to be. I always believed that age is but a number. You are as young as you feel (maybe not as you look but that's another story!). Some of my friends were telling me "once you cross that big 3, age just creeps up without you knowing it!" Haha. Truth is, I am not afraid to grow older, coz in many ways, I feel like i'm still a kid, waiting to grow up.
Some other friends shared that 30s is the best phase of a woman's life. At 30, she's "successful" enough, confident enough, "rich" enough, experienced enough, and mature enough to take life as it comes! How true that is! Somehow, I feel really good about myself right now. I mean, despite all my flaws, I haven't felt better about myself than now. Even as pounds seem to be piling on faster than fast, I'm comfortable with how I look and have started enjoying and embracing my curves and even my love handles (maybe to the horror of my hubby!).
Anyhow, thought I'd share some photos taken during the week of my 30th birthday!

Dinner and drinks with uni-buddies, Eric, Mas, baby Aly, and Wee Chuan

Hello Ellen! Thank you for sharing with me your blog. 30 is just a number. You still look awesome to me! Cheers!
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