Colin is always lamenting that I waste a lot of my time doing "nonsense" stuff. Watching "nonsense" tv, surfing "nonsense" internet websites, reading "nonsense" magazines.... well, you get my drift.
I have to admit it. I find great comfort in non-intellectual tv programmes, trashy magazines and hey, the internet is so vast it'd be a crime not to explore fun and crazy websites right?
One of such websites that I discovered is really cool! Its especially great for women who would like to experiment with different hairstyles without actually taking the plunge of chopping your locks off! Here, you can try out the hairstyles of your favourite celebrities and you can even change the colour, size, shape of their hair to suit yours!
First, you have to upload a photo of yourself. Took this photo specially for the purpose. Note that I pinned up my fringe and tied up my hair so that my own hair won't interfere with the "makeovers". (If you're gonna do it, do it right!)
Here's how I look with LONG WAVY hair!
In the style of Ashlee SimpsonMadonna
Here's something more familiar....STRAIGHT, MEDIUM LENGTH HAIR, not too unlike what I currently sport In the Style of Nicole Richie
J Lo (this is Colin's favourite look)
How about something drastically short? In the style of Natalie Portman
How can I resist trying on Posh Spice's hairdo?
And finally, here are 2 of my favourites! In the style of Cate Blanchett - Chic layers
Patricia Arquette - Couldn't resist this dolly look!
Ang Nam Huay... i tot u r a homemaker??? Anyhow.. i'll be over-e-sea on the 26th, so happy birthday in advance.
Muhammed Noraihan, thanks for spelling my full dialect name online lor! But seriously, thanks dear for never missing any of my birthdays since we met 15 years ago! Gosh! Can you believe its been that long!
hey this is a cool website. care to share the url?
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