Saturday, October 20, 2007
I've succumbed....
Heard so much about it, read so much about it, but I had stubbornly refused to give this a go. I just didn't quite like the idea of spending so much time on any more of these virtual networking sites, where people can buy each other drinks, poke, bite, throw high fives....err, it all sounded a little too kiddish (even to me!).
BUT! at a few recent dinner gatherings, my friends who were talking about facebook made me feel that tad bit left out, stirred my curiosity, and just five minutes ago, I created my very own facebook account! *hurray*
So, go on, see you all on Facebook! :)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The things I do....
In the style of Ashlee SimpsonMadonna
Here's something more familiar....STRAIGHT, MEDIUM LENGTH HAIR, not too unlike what I currently sport In the Style of Nicole Richie
J Lo (this is Colin's favourite look)
How about something drastically short? In the style of Natalie Portman
How can I resist trying on Posh Spice's hairdo?
And finally, here are 2 of my favourites! In the style of Cate Blanchett - Chic layers
Patricia Arquette - Couldn't resist this dolly look!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Unfit for work
I have just been certified "Unfit for Work" by my neighbourhood doctor.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a skiver who takes every opportunity to call in sick. On the contrary, I am one of those who always feel really guilty and always have to think like a million times before deciding whether to go to work on those mornings that I don't feel well.
Like this morning. No. It actually started yesterday. Yesterday morning, I had diarrhoea twice before I left home. Still, I decided to head to work as I was scheduled for a meeting with my big boss. Throughout the day, I had diarrhoea another 2 times, and my stomache felt sore the entire day. After dinner, 3 times, resulting in not just a sore stomache, but also a really sore behind..
Popped some charcoal pills and went to bed. Woke up this morning. Twice. Contemplated whether to go to work. After thinking through my day, decided that I didn't really have too much to do today. However, my righteousness and guilt got the better of me. Got dressed and left home. Just as I got out of the lift at the ground floor of my flat, tummy ached again and I had no choice but to U-turn back home to use the toilet. Darn. No way was I going to make it to work like this. The thought of having to scoot around for a toilet during the commute to work was too much for me to bear.
Finally decided to text my boss that I was not going in. As I made my way to the neighbourhood doctor, I saw my bus approaching the bus-stop. Hesitated a split second there whether to catch that bus and still push on for work. Stupid thought. Walked on to the clinic. Good call, cos as soon as I reached the clinic, I had to go again. After getting the MC from my doctor, I still felt really guilty so as soon as I got home, I logged on to my office webmail and cleared some of my emails before writing this entry.
Responsible employee? Foolish woman? You decide.
Friday, October 5, 2007
You know it isn't your day when.....
You leave the house, walk to the bus-stop, and realise you left your wallet at home.
You run home, grab the wallet, run back at your personal record-breaking speed, only to see your bus pulling away from the bus-stop.
You reach the office (late of course), and find a note from your boss who had decided to drop by and have a discussion only to find you not in the office yet.
You trudge through your tonne of work, thinking about nothing except how long it is till the end of the work day.
You receive a call telling you that a cheque that you dropped off for a payment due today was un-signed and you need to make a trip to the cashier counter to sign it before 6pm else there will be a late charge.
You rush off hurriedly after work, reach the office at 5.50pm, and the receptionist tells you that the cashier counters closed at 5.30pm.
You spend 10 minutes arguing with the receptionist who tried to track your cheque with the Finance department, only to find the cashier strolling out at 6pm. Apparently she waited beyond her 5.30pm for you, but the stupid receptionist had held you back from entering the office so you never got to the cashier counter (and the cashier probably was cursing at you for not turning up)!
You spend the next 2 minutes pleading with the cashier to open the counter again for me to sign the cheque (which she agreed finally).
Its been a rough day. I need a hug. Thank goodness Colin is coming home tonight.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
London - What's not to love?
1. West End Shows
2. Best Sandwiches I've ever eaten!
3. Vibrant Shopping Choices
From shopping institutions like Harrods and Liberty, to high street labels like Topshop, Jigsaw and H&M, quirky vintage at Carnaby Street, to the "bargain warehouse" Primark (really cheap stuff with dresses around S$35! But beware the crazy check out queues!) London is shopping paradise in terms of choice. However, due to exchange rates, I ended up having to bite my lips and control my buying urges!
Animal rights groups giving out pamphlets and shouting to everyone to "boycott Harrods" coz apparently Harrods is the only store in London that sells fur. However, their calls just fall on deaf ears as everyone just streams into the huge store, maybe only after stopping to take a picture! Topshop is extremely expensive, its better off buying it from here! One shop that I really liked was Urban Outfitters, which is just a few stores away from Topshop.
4. Rich heritage In c. 200 AD a defensive wall was built around the Roman settlement, then called the London wall. For well over a millennium the shape and size of London was defined by this wall. The area within the wall is now 'the City', London's famous financial district. Traces of the wall can still be seen in a few places. The above photograph shows a section of wall as it stands today at Cooper's Row, near the Tower of London. This wall is just 3 minutes walk away from my hotel and 5 minutes to my office. Its also interesting to note that as I explored different districts in London, I sometimes feel like I'm in different cities altogether, as they often give off totally different vibes due to the different architectures.
5. London makes you appreciate Mr Sunshine!
6. Eye Candy Galore
London blokes either have great genes, or they really know how to groom themselves. Everywhere I went, there were always cute guys to oogle at! Perhaps it helped that everyone wore smart suits, but nevertheless it was fun to bask in their glory and let my closet SPG come out! (but of course, I only love you, darling!) haha!
7. Cheap trashy magazines
Shy as I am to admit, I'm a sucker for trashy magazines. Used to subscribe to Star magazine from U.S to get my weekly dosage of celebrity gossip, so you can imagine how crazy I went at the newstands! Magazines like HEAT, STAR, REVEAL, etc were going at an average of 1 pound each! How to resist?!?!
8. Huge variety of things to do
From touristy stuff like London Eye, Big Ben, St Paul's Cathedral, Tower Bridge, London Bridge, to the interesting Borough, Camden and Portobello markets, to the many museums (check out Tate Modern), my only complaint is that I only had one weekend in London this time. So much to do. So little time.
9. Fabulous Dining Experiences
As I was on a business trip, I batted no eyelid treating myself to one nice meal a day. Even my breakfast sandwiches cost around 3 pounds, so my daily "fancy" meal would probalby have been something I'd do without had it been on my own expense. Here are some of the stuff that worked their way into my tummy!
Amidst all the hype about doughnuts these days in Singapore, I am one of those who refuse to queue for hours for my doughnuts. Took this opportunity to load up on Krispy Kreme (the best doughnuts in my humble opinion!). Think I had around 10 of them during my stay in London! haha! This one in the picture is a special Harrods one with chocolate cream inside!
I also highly recommend a fancy french restaurant called L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon on West Street (near Covent Garden). This place is opened by Multi-Michelin starred Joel Robuchon (voted chef of the 20th century by his peers) and they serve really yummy fare. (sorry, no pics for this place coz its too "atas" that I felt shy to take my camera out)
10. Last and very important reason, everyone speaks English so you really feel right at home!
Only been back a week, and I totally miss, Boss, if you're reading this, I think there are too many issues that need to be followed up so it may be worthwhile to consider sending me again! :)