Friday, May 18, 2007

Celebrity Face?

Last weekend, I read in the papers about a face-recognition website ( that matches your face with those of celebrities...thought it would be quite cool to find out which celebrities i most resembled! The website is really easy to use. All you have to do is upload photos of yourself (preferably frontal face shots) and you get your results! I uploaded a total of 4 photos and here are my results! Bet you never ever spotted the resemblance between Ashton Kutcher and I! hahaha! Uploaded one of Colin's photos as well, and as a lot of my friends have told me, he bears strong resemblance to Jacky Cheung! :)


Anonymous said...

This website is quite hilarious! Then again, I always told you Colin looked like Jacky Cheung!Haha!

Anonymous said...

sammi cheng appeared the most often! (wrt your celebrity look alike)

Ellen said...

Suan : When I happily pointed that out to Colin, he scrutinised my photo next to Sammi's and he concluded that our eye brows are the only resemblance! haha!

simprof (simple professional !!!) said...

any way its a nice match-sake ever before...

keep trying to match more.

good to see celebrity faces alike urs..