2007 was a very eventful year for me. I started the year at probably the lowest point of my humble 30 years, struggling almost daily and too often unhappy. I then made a decision to take a break from work in order to pick up the pieces in other areas of my life. That was probably my best decision ever.
The next 4 months that I spent unemployed was my favourite 4 months yet! During the 4 months, I re-connected with myself and my loved ones, went for an extended honeymoon (2 weeks in Japan and 2 weeks in Europe), learnt to cook, started this blog, and gained 3 kg due to the sedentary lifestyle which I most thoroughly enjoyed and so sorely miss today.
In June, a twist of fate led me to my current job, one which I hope, and will try, to stay in for as long as I possibly can! The next 6 months was a happy blur, with me settling in at my new job, and with a few more trips overseas. Towards the end of the year, I even took up golf! Am now into my 6th lesson, and am totally loving it!
The way the year 2007 unfolded truly showed me that when things do hit rock bottom, the only way it can move from there is UP! I am honestly grateful that the year had come and gone and hopefully I am now wiser and more prepared to embrace 2008 with open arms and an open heart!
On to the new year, Colin and I spent our 1st weekend of 2008 playing tourists at Sentosa! Its been years since we last visited Sentosa and my, has the place changed!

The weekend at Sentosa came about due to a free night stay at Rasa Sentosa Resort.

Our comfy deluxe bedroom - only rant is the "too soft" pillows. Guess we have been spoilt by our tempur pillows that we both woke up with sore necks the next morning. Haha.
Our room had a relaxing pool and sea view.
The view from outside our door. 
Had initially planned to spend the afternoon lazing at the beach, but it started pouring after we checked in. Decided to check out the 4D Cineblast instead, which was basically a 4D 15-minute movie (honestly not worth the $16 ticket).

We also tried a "new" attraction called the Luge & Skyride. For $9, you get to ride the black toboggan down a winding slope. From the bottom of the slope, you take the skyride which is like a ski-lift up back to where you started. This was so fun we came back for round 2 the next morning!
Putting on safety helmuts before our luge race! 
Don't blame us for being cheapskate, but at $10 per photo, we thought we'd just use our camera to take a photo of the screen shot of our photo!
Colin managing to snap a photo of me as I came in after the ride
Feet dangling above ground....left my stomache in knots. I always have had a fear of heights.
My dear hubby trying to distract me with a kiss! 
Dinner was at Silver Shell Cafe at the resort as we were given a $100 dining voucher 
Colin tucking in to some chilli crab. See those people behind him? They were the strolling musicians who went round serenading diners.

After dinner, we caught Songs of the Sea, a show that replaced the "Musical Fountain" that we remembered.

Songs of the Sea was part musical, part laser-show, part pyrotechnics, with fire and water jets thrown in as well! The water jets reminded us of the Bellagio dancing fountains, and though it was still raining throughout the show, our spirits were lifted by the fireworks which ended the 25 minute show.
Back at our hotel room after a day of playing tourists in Singapore. May this sweet picture set the mood for the rest of 2008, and may everyone I know and love have a wonderful 2008 ahead!