Its been raining a lot here in Singapore.. so much so that it irks me. It irks me when I wear long pants and they get soaked through (sometimes up to knee level!). It irks me when I wear skirts and dirty water splashes onto my lower leg when I step on puddles. It irks me when I wear my pretty sandals or heels to work and they get ruined by the time I reach the office. It irks me when I always have to carry an umbrella in my already heavy bag, and the day that I forget to do so (today), I get caught out and got home drenched to the skin. But above all that, i really really hate the musky smell of laundry dried pathetically in stale damp air!
So.....rain, rain....go away.....please?
On the bus home earlier, I witnessed a selfish act that annoyed me. Yes, I'm in an irritable mood, but selfish people really get on my nerves!
I boarded the bus at around 6.20pm, together with a very pregnant lady (I would guess that she is at least 8 months pregnant as she looked ready to pop!). After we boarded, we walked through the crowded bus, with me hoping that someone would give their seat up to the pregnant lady. No one did. Everyone just continued in their ways, either chatting, playing with their phone, or just doing nothing.
The pregnant lady stood near a group of teenagers (perhaps she thought they were her best chance to get a seat). The teenagers totally ignored her, and continued chatting about movies and shopping. I could not help but send them my disgusted glare, and I just secretly hoped that someone would get off at the next stop so that she could sit down. In the end, the poor lady only got her seat after standing for 15 minutes, during which she had to use both hands to hold on to the pole in order to keep her balance on the moving bus.
It is sad that some Singaporeans simply lack graciousness and civic-mindedness. Many of us are so self-absorbed that we become selfish. It really irks me when I see such selfish acts. Unfortunately, they seem to have no signs of diminishing.
The late Princess Diana once said "Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you." So wait no further, PAY IT FORWARD!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Happy 2008!
2007 was a very eventful year for me. I started the year at probably the lowest point of my humble 30 years, struggling almost daily and too often unhappy. I then made a decision to take a break from work in order to pick up the pieces in other areas of my life. That was probably my best decision ever.
The next 4 months that I spent unemployed was my favourite 4 months yet! During the 4 months, I re-connected with myself and my loved ones, went for an extended honeymoon (2 weeks in Japan and 2 weeks in Europe), learnt to cook, started this blog, and gained 3 kg due to the sedentary lifestyle which I most thoroughly enjoyed and so sorely miss today.
In June, a twist of fate led me to my current job, one which I hope, and will try, to stay in for as long as I possibly can! The next 6 months was a happy blur, with me settling in at my new job, and with a few more trips overseas. Towards the end of the year, I even took up golf! Am now into my 6th lesson, and am totally loving it!
The way the year 2007 unfolded truly showed me that when things do hit rock bottom, the only way it can move from there is UP! I am honestly grateful that the year had come and gone and hopefully I am now wiser and more prepared to embrace 2008 with open arms and an open heart!
On to the new year, Colin and I spent our 1st weekend of 2008 playing tourists at Sentosa! Its been years since we last visited Sentosa and my, has the place changed! 
The weekend at Sentosa came about due to a free night stay at Rasa Sentosa Resort.
Our room had a relaxing pool and sea view.
The view from outside our door.
Putting on safety helmuts before our luge race!
Colin managing to snap a photo of me as I came in after the ride
My dear hubby trying to distract me with a kiss!
Dinner was at Silver Shell Cafe at the resort as we were given a $100 dining voucher
Back at our hotel room after a day of playing tourists in Singapore. May this sweet picture set the mood for the rest of 2008, and may everyone I know and love have a wonderful 2008 ahead!
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