My dearest hubby Colin turned 30 last Saturday. I love it that he's now officially "one year" older than I am. While i relish my last weeks of being in my 20s, Colin has bade farewell to his 20s and entered the big 3-O. Not that he minds. At all. After all, men do get better with age and at 30, Colin has achieved what he had set out to achieve by this age. Happily married with a wonderful wife (hehehe), having a job he enjoys and which covers our bills, owning our own flat and dream car (within reasonable budget).
Colin and his 1st chocolate birthday cake - compliments from the Singapore Swimming Club
Blowing candles of his 2nd chocolate cake - compliments from a friend. The ironic thing is, Colin hates chocolate and both his cakes were chocolate cakes. But not a problem coz his "wonderful wife" who did not buy him any birthday cake (oops sorry dear) is a true chocoholic.

Driving to dinner - We hold hands whenever we can. Even while he drives. :)

A sumptious spread at Tony Romas - We had an onion loaf, the family feast, and 2 full slabs of ribs done in different styles. *burp*

Dinner with my family. We also had high-tea at the Marriott Hotel with my in-laws, but unfortunately, we did not take any photos there.
A very short weekend with all the celebration, so little time together (colin had flown back specially only for 2 days to spend his birthday with us), but a weekend filled with joy and laughter, plus loads of food...